I lit a candle for you at Christmas 2014
Candles were lit in the sanctuary windows in the church for the following intentions: Gifty, Health for Michael Duffy, Christine, intentions of Johncy and Macey, Ann and Frederick, in loving memory of Colin Buckley, for Niamh, Liam, Monica and family, for CFC Wales, Audrey Vernon and Graham, Elwyn Griffiths RIP, Bernadette Baragry RIP, Friends and family of Eryl, Hilda (sick), parents, Richard Collins RIP, Eitna and Benjamin Duke, Nancy Williams, Pat Hayes, Ian Hughes, Carroll family, Lewis/Carrol family, Sheila Mullen RIP, Sukk, the Poor Clares, Doreen Brown, Sharpling/Guy families, Tracey Boyle RIP, Jim Boyle RIP, Pat and Beth Shanahan