Welcome to the Roman Catholic Parish of the Sacred Heart, Morriston



Please see newsletter for full details of Mass times, Holy hours and confessions. The newsletter can be viewed on the Newsletters page of this website, our Shrine Facebook (follow the F logo at the top of this page), and you can receive the e-version of the newsletter with additional links and information from Canon Jason, email him at  morriston1@menevia.org to be added to this mailing list.


All Holy Masses and services are now livestreamed from the Shrine Church. Outside of services you will be able to view the sanctuary with the Tabernacle at its centre to aid your private prayers and devotions.
Click the four arrows at the bottom right hand corner of the livestream image to move to 'full screen' view.

Parish Priest:          Very Revd Canon Jason Jones STB
Presbytery: School Road Morriston SA6 6HZ
Tel: 01792 771053
Tel for Emergency Sick Calls, Last Rites, Hospital: 07792 003905
Clergy email:
Parish Priest and Shrine Rector: Canon Jason Jones morriston1@menevia.org
Parish Sisters:
Sr Mini Thomas and Sr Jacqueline de Souza: 07380 896874
Convent of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart, 15 Horeb Road, Morriston, Swansea SA6 7AJ
Sacred Heart Centre Hire: 07838 249060  (hall bookings only on this number)
Sacred Heart Centre Hire: email sacredheartcentremorriston@gmail.com  (hall bookings only to this email)
Parish Safeguarding Representative: Elaine Rees
One Licence for music performance including livestreaming: A-633599
New ways to give

We are trialling the Dona system with the approval of the Diocese to help make it easier to donate to the Parish for collection, Works of Mercy, paying for piety, cards and books, centenary club subscriptions and hall hire. Gift aid can easily be added by following the simple menu options. The same system will also shortly be available in the church porch for contactless card payments.

Divine Mercy Novena of Chaplets

Click the image to pray the Divine Mercy Novena of Chaplets from Good Friday to Divine Mercy Sunday

Vatican live stream

Celebration of 100 years of the Legion of Mary

Many thanks to our Parish Legion for hosting a most wonderful celebration reception for the Diocese to mark the Centenary of the Legion

Holy Week 2021 Images of Ceremonies


Established by the Bishop of Menevia, the Diocese of Menevia School of Evangelisation and Catechetics (DOMSEC) provides formation and support to Catholics (clergy and laity) who proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and form others in the Catholic faith.
For more information visit the website at: domsec.org.uk

19 November 2017 Inauguration of Diocesan Shrine of Divine Mercy

Images of the Mass at which Bishop Tom inaugurated our Chapel of Divine Mercy as a Diocesan Shrine of Divine Mercy, to permanently mark the Holy Year of Mercy 2015-16 in the Diocese of Menevia.

Sacred Heart Centre

Find out about our parish hall, the Sacred Heart Centre (formerly Soar Chapel), The Centre is currently closed due to Covid restrictions, but subject to guidance from Welsh Government, might be able to reopen with Covid-measures in place from 22 April 2021 to regular hirers, and for seated training courses that can be delivered with social distancing in place. In line with Government advice, indoor social gatherings/catering are not yet permitted. For further information email sacredheartcentremorriston@gmail.com or text 07838 249060.

17 January 2020 Sinulog 2020 – 10th Anniversary of celebration by Sacred Heart Parish, Morriston, Swansea

The annual colourful and devoted celebration in honour of the Child Jesus led by our Filipino Community. Due to the large number of visitors from across the UK, the celebration of Holy Mass presided by Archbishop George Stack and celebration afterwards was held at Manor Park, Clydach. Viva! Pit Senor!

Annual Pilgrimage to Poland 17 – 21 April 2019

In the footsteps of St Faustina from Warsaw to Krakow, led by Canon Jason, Fr Andrzej and accompanied by Bishop Tom.

Divine Mercy Sunday 2018

First Sunday of Divine Mercy at the Menevia Shrine of Divine Mercy, Church of the Sacred Heart Morriston.

On Sunday 8th April, people across the Diocese gathered for the celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday. Scheduled to start at 1.30pm, devotees started arriving at 12.30 to get a seat in what was going to be a standing room only celebration.

At 1.30 pm the queue for confessions was already three pews deep and many of the penitents and other participants had bought their Images of divine Mercy to be blessed. After the Blessing and various prayers to open the afternoon, the Blessed Sacrament was solemnly exposed on the Altar. during the time of prayer and the hour of Mercy devotion, confessions were continuous being heard by Fr Artur and Fr Andrzej. Devotions were led by Fr Jason. and included a Sung Chaplet of divine Mercy, readings from the Diary of St Faustina, Hymns and litanies. The Hour of Mercy was concluded with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. At 4pm the Solemn Mass of the Feast was celebrated by Fr Jason who was assisted by Deacon Mathew Roach Saunders and 10 Altar Boys. Confessions continued until 5.30 pm. Fr Jason spoke about the History of the Feast in the Diocese has involvement in the celebration since 1989 and how happy he was to be celebrating this day at an official Shrine within the Diocese. At the Conclusion of the Mass there was an opportunity for all to venerate the 1st Class relics of St John Paul II and St Faustina and also to be blessed with the oil of St Faustina.

Many testimonies have been received from those present acknowledging the beauty of the day and the graces received on this the first Feast of Divine Mercy for the Menevia Shrine of Divine Mercy.

Liturgical Music

Music used in the liturgy at Sacred Heart, Morriston.

23-27 February 2018 Weekend Retreat with Sisters from the Order of Our Lady of Mercy, Sanctuary of Divine Mercy, Kracow, Poland

View images of the visit of the Sisters

Recent events

View photo slideshows of recent events and trips in the parish.

Parish Groups and Ministries

There are many ways to get involved in the spiritual, liturgical and social life of the parish.

Parish rotas

Various rotas are available covering many aspects of parish life, including readers, donations for flowers, and cleaning.


Watch short videos on vocations to the priesthood and religious life

Explanation of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Our church is named after the popular devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, find out what this means.

Help the Sacred Heart Centre by going shopping!

Easyfundraising is a simple way to help towards the fundraising for renovation of our parish hall.

Divine Mercy

Our parish was consecrated to The Divine Mercy on the Feast of Christ the King 2016. Follow this link for more information on the Divine Mercy devotion.

Images from the liturgical year

The liturgy is the source and summit of the life of the Church, view some images of the celebrations that take place during the liturgical year.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Parish History

The parish has been developing from the late 19th Century onwards. Find out more.